
Request for data processing

15 July 2015 ( maj : 16 January 2023 ), by Nadège Meunier

Procedure to request data reduction:

We perform reduction on request based on the pipeline already implemented for the processing of public data. We accept requests from the PI or CoI of an observation (no reduction otherwise, except with the PI explicit agreement).

  • Send an email to sphere-dc-req at, copy and fill the form below:
SHC-DC data reduction request form
Name -
Institute -
Name of PI
(agreement needed)
Run ID -
Numbers of nights/hours
to reduce
Observing modes used -

It is useful if you add a few lignes to explain your science case so that we can adapt the reduction if needed/possible.

  • The HC-DC team retrieve your data, with two possible procedures:
    • First option : you fill the ESO form on your ESO account allowing the team (indicate the account SPHEREDC, sphere-dc-req at to access the relevant data
    • Second option: you deposit your data and on-line space where we can retrieve it
  • The data is reduced by the HC-DC team
  • You are given access to the reduced data (protected by password) and inputs on these results
  • If necessary other exchanges on the quality of the reduction and/or data can follow.

The reduction will be performed using the pipeline we use for public data reduction:

  • Data processing on request: This service concerns the data reduction by the DC team as well as some analysis steps; The following codes are used :
    • The ESO DRH pipeline
    • Bad pixels and background crosstalks routines (IFS)
    • Wavelength solution correction (IFS)
    • PCA subtraction to a data cube (IFS, IRDIS)
    • Conversion of data cubes in organized data cubes, parallactic angles corrected for the true north and wavelength calibration for each canal (IFS, IRDIS)
    • Automatic and/or manual frame selection routines (IFS, IRDIS)
    • Images processed with different algorithms depending on observing conditions: detection limits, photometry and astrometry of point sources (available soon)

Procedure to access our interface and reduce your data

Alternatively, you can also reduce your data using our client.

  • Follow the above procedure so that we can import your data into your dedicated workspace.
  • An account will be created for you
  • You access the server and process your data
  • You retrieve your data
  • If necessary other exchanges on the quality of the reduction and/or data can follow.

Procedure if you are interested in complementary services (surveys and large programs): please contact us at sphere-dc-req at

The SPHERE-DC team provides a service: as such, the team will guarantee confidentiality of private data and does not request to be co-author of the publications. The team may however some metadata to insure at best their instrument monitoring mission, and more specifically the calibrations files.

We ask you to mention the High Contrast data center in your acknwoledgements in your publications:
This work has made use of the High Contrast Data Centre, jointly operated by OSUG/IPAG (Grenoble), PYTHEAS/LAM/CeSAM (Marseille), OCA/Lagrange (Nice), Observatoire de Paris/LESIA (Paris), and Observatoire de Lyon/CRAL, and is supported by a grant from Labex OSUG@2020 (Investissements d’avenir – ANR10 LABX56).

Mandatory citations in your publications if you use SPHERE reduced data :